Modern society has placed more emphasis on youthful appearance and liposuction is the most common aesthetic surgical procedure candidates for the procedure should be in good health with at least moderate skin tone and of reasonable body weight.
Liposuction is most common cosmetic surgical procedure which removes fat which is resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is deal for oversized hips, buttocks, thighs, abdomen and love handles as well as fat deposit on arms, calves, knees above the breasts and under the chin.
Liposuction improves the contour, but does not eliminate wrinkles and it is not a treatment for obesity tumescent technique has resulted in decreased blood loss and increased safety during lipoplasty operation.
Liposuction is the procedure that removes excess of fat through a suctioning process with specialized equipment. Conventional liposuction utilizes significant vacuum and mechanical disruption (by the force of moving the cannula) to break up fat lobules, which are then aspirated with vaccum. In women, the most frequently treated area with liposuction is outer thighs, followed by abdomen. Men usually have liposuction performed under chin, around the waist or in the reduction of enlarged male breasts, condition known as Gynaecomastia.
After surgery, compression garments are advised to be worn, which will help the skin shrink and conform, smoothly to the shape of under lying tissue. After surgery strenuous activities should be restricted during the first week.
Remember that Liposuction is not a substitute for exercise or weight loss. The best candidates are at or near their ideal body weight .But if you have localized areas of fat that exercise and dieting cannot improve, Liposuction may be the perfect way to get rid of the fat.